понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.


Now you may be asking yourself It was an easy install and it even plays Youtube videos. You can use my quick guide to a light Debian install found here , or you can go the much more comprehensive route by using the Luddite's guide. It only takes a minute to sign up. I recently installed MintPPC 11 on a mhz G3 iMac slotloader with mb of ram and a single command got the correct xorg. How do we handle problem users? linux mintppc 9.2

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There are even some added GUI tools such as 'Powerprefs' which give you abilities normally only available via config file edits and terminal commands. Anonymous 10 December at Is there a Linux distro, like DSL, that would be able to run on it?

What is your Linux distribution - Chat - NethServer Community

Sign up using Facebook. Which version would you advise and why? Newer Post Older Post Home. I cant get my PowerBook to start from the disk.

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Now that I have it i realised that is nearly useless running Mac OS 9. It was an easy install and it even plays Youtube mintppf. It seems as though life has gotten in the way of the main developer.

linux mintppc 9.2

For linnux server machines Ubuntu-server and CentOS are hard to beat. What is your Linux distribution Chat. Results 1 to 10 of This one OS has all the qualities of real Debian, while also offering the much more user friendly and out of the box capability of Lubuntu; without all the Canonical BS. I have read many of your posts over on the MintPPC forum.

Linux Mint

However, there are some known problems: If MintPPC doesn't move any further in terms of development of the MintPPC specific partsthen at least it will be a friendly steppingstone to help ease your transition into raw Debian. Stability and longevity before sloppy speed coding, and constant fixes to cure said slop.

It's just what I needed to move my project forward.

The forum is currently the only thing online still, and its moderator theos posted about it here. Anonymous 27 October at But, there is that nagging little detail that their website hasn't been updated since December mibtppc last year.

It is recommended that you not use MintPPC now. I would say that for at least the next 2 or more years, MintPPC 11 is a very viable and secure option for those who find standard Debian a bit too steep a learning curve, or those who just want a much more pretty and capable Linux out of the box, while still enjoying the performance benefits of LXDE.

Reliability-wise, I think my Mac-Pro tops the list. Linux Mint is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories.

linux mintppc 9.2

Thank you for the guide. Many of you don't though, so here is your solution.

[PPC] MintPPC 11 vs for 12 inch G4 Aluminum Powerbook?

I use Ubuntu That means it's secure, modern, and updated as needed for as long as Wheezy is supported by the Debian developers. An MD5 sum is also available for the image. I'm the wrong person to ask, as I have nothing to do with Mint development.

Just liinux to the mintppc.

linux mintppc 9.2

Or maybe is there a way to get a web development IDE for it? I've not said a negative word about it.

Thomas Carlson 30 May at

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